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How to actually dang make a functioning group

Unread postPosted:October 1st, 2019, 12:32 am
by GrandpaHoovie
So, you want to lead a legion of players to achieve your personal agenda? how do you do that? Make a group!

So there are 3 types of groups, law, crime, and business.

Law groups, more commonly called cop groups, are groups led by authority figures to stop criminals. First step, stockpile metric #@@#!#! tons of bb, cause you will need it, whether for dragonfang boxes, prisons, guns, loot loss, payroll, it will take Quavo loads of cash to cover all of it. Second step, get alot of people, and make sure to have 1 or 2 captains, deputies or chiefs. 3rd, make a power structure, with certain roles with certain powers. third, dont fuck up with management, like moles, disciplining, law breakers, and or giant ass trucks running over your prison.

Second, Crime. Crime groups need a couple of things, one a main base either for kidnaps, farms, storage, or all 3. 2nd, a metric fuckton of guns, bb, and gear. 3rd, dont be a doormat, dont let shit happen without consequence, make sure they know you are boss. finally, have good members

Finally there are business groups. step one, like the first 2, have millions of bb to fall back on if there is an emergency. second, have a baseline for business, raiding, robbing, harassment, shops etc. Third dont fuck up, this is just a general tip

with these tips, you will make a semi functional rp group and not die, or idk just join a already existing one

Re: How to actually dang make a functioning group

Unread postPosted:October 1st, 2019, 2:00 am
by Liona
noob dog's ultimate guide to successful groups:

Step one: Don't join a group, they are big gay.

Re: How to actually dang make a functioning group

Unread postPosted:October 1st, 2019, 2:18 am
by Burnt

Re: How to actually dang make a functioning group

Unread postPosted:October 1st, 2019, 9:06 am
by Pablo Escobar.

Re: How to actually dang make a functioning group

Unread postPosted:October 1st, 2019, 9:50 am
by GrandpaHoovie
Disclaimer this prob won’t work

Re: How to actually dang make a functioning group

Unread postPosted:October 1st, 2019, 11:05 am
by Outspace
If you wanna know how to make good groups just ask myself or burnt. Yeye

Re: How to actually dang make a functioning group

Unread postPosted:October 1st, 2019, 1:02 pm
If you wanna know how to make good groups just ask myself or burnt. Yeye
Smh. Ask MoMo. He’s new leader of BMC. MikE was good but da queen took over.