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Tips for how to file a police demotion.

Unread postPosted:February 7th, 2023, 11:13 pm
by Freezeman
Hello! I decided to make a guide on how to police demote someone effectively. A few things to start. First of all, you must have a police rank, such as police chief, police deputy, police captain, mayor, and judge. You can only demote someone if you have one of these roles. Second, make sure you actively continue to check your demotion post for updates, i.e an admin asks you to fix a piece of information, otherwise your demotion post will be denied. Also, make sure the person you're demoting was indeed a police role while they committed what you have evidence of them doing, which is as easy as doing /checkrole (player).

Let's go over on how to get the information to demote someone. The standard format you have to fill out is this:

The name of the person is easy. Either put in their in game name, or the name on their steam profile.

For the steam Id64, you must go into the tab of your in game menu, which has the list of players. Click on the name of the person you wish to demote, and you will be sent to their steam profile. Above their profile, there is a link at the top. Use your mouse to copy the link, by selecting the entire link and doing ctrl + c. Then, go to or search up Steam Id finder on the internet if you don't want to trust the link/the link doesn't work, and copy paste the player's steam profile link with ctrl + v into the spot where it tells you to. Then click the Find Steam Id button. You will then get the player's steam Id64. Copy paste that into the demotion post. Alternatively, if the person's steam profile link already has their steam Id64 inside of the link, just copy paste that part of the link into the demotion request.

For the player's police rank, this should be as easy as the name. Like I said before, do /checkrole and you'll see what their role is.

Now, for the most important part, the evidence. There are several methods to collect evidence. The methods I use: I use OBS to record, and you can find it on steam for free. I use my print screen button to screenshot my photos, and use to have the photos be in links so they can be viewed. You are also free to use any other method for collecting evidence. Also, make sure your evidence fits the following criteria: 1. The person was a police role. 2. They have done any of these things:

(a) Committing any arrestable offense without a valid excuse.
(2) Committing any warrantable offense.
(3) Failure to comply with direct, lawful orders from an officer higher ranked than them.
(4) Failure to do police duties professionally.
(5) Committing a false arrest.
(6) Corruption, with valid evidence.
(7) The sale of police vehicles or clothing to anybody who is not part of law enforcement.
(8) The sale of weapons as an officer to any person who isn’t a weaponsmith.
(9) Refusing to destroy illegal items.
(10) Refusing to use an arrest instead of a ticket even when the situation is safe on multiple occasions.

3. Make sure your evidence quality is good, as in the screenshot or video isn't blurry/illegible, especially when the part of the video that proves your claim of an officer committing an offense comes up.

4. Make sure that you're not falsely demoting someone. You can be demoted if you're deliberately trying to demote someone with false evidence (aka frame them). An honest mistake is fine. Also, don't blackmail the person that you have evidence for demoting them, i.e making them do your bidding while threatening to report them with the evidence you have. Don't get evidence on someone and do nothing for 3 months, then report them because you had a disagreement in discord or because they arrested you and you lost your favorite dragonfang that had the best attachments to ever exist.

That's all I have to say. Thank you for taking the time to read my guide, and I hope you enjoy roleplaying on RP #10.

