All current Roleplay Police groups are listed here.
By Mr.Carrot
Age: 13<br>
Player Name: Mr. Carrot
Reason for wanting to join: Im bored doing police job alone someone people help me and that but usually im alone.
Current role: Police Officer
Willing to follow all laws and be willing to follow any mayor that leads (Yes/No): Willing to follow all laws: Yes | Willing to follow any mayor that leads: Yes
Will you need/want training: I would want training because i always want to improve.
Age: 13<br>
Player Name: Mr. Carrot
Reason for wanting to join: Im bored doing police job alone someone people help me and that but usually im alone.
Current role: Police Officer
Willing to follow all laws and be willing to follow any mayor that leads (Yes/No): Willing to follow all laws: Yes | Willing to follow any mayor that leads: Yes
Will you need/want training: I would want training because i always want to improve.
You're supposed to post this on the actual PPF thread not make a whole new one.
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