- April 20th, 2023, 10:51 am
- Ingame name: FatherZoidbergCongrats! You have been Accepted into the PSD. Contact Myself for an invite to the discord/steam group.
- Steam profile URL: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198127923812/
- Age: 21
- Your current role: SWAT | MVP+, often changes between this and Mechanic
- Why do you want to join the PSD: Tryna hang out with my boy Pear and bust some bad guys!
- How many hours have you played Cop?: A shit load since 2016.
- Police Experience: Please see above
- Do you have a mic?: Yes, but I prefer to type and don't use it often.
- Do you understand, that PSD leadership can kick/demote you anytime, if you do not fulfill the task given to you/corruption/inactivity?[This must be a YES, to be accepted]: Yes
-Discord name with tags: FatherZoidberg#7376
-Have any other officers referred you? (Senior officers and higher may give out referrals): PhantomPear sorta? He told me to join PSD and sent me the link so I'll count it.
-What is your timezone? EST
MVP+ Chrome
Ex-RP Moderator x4
Ex-PVP Moderator
x7 Washington Mayor
x2 PEI Mayor
Police Captain
RCMP Captain
"One Beer, Two Beers, Three Beers, a shot of Whiskey, a Margarita and a Bloody Mary" - Austin 3:16
Funny Quotes:
"You didn't do W2 so Fuck Off!" -Burnt
"Yiwaktew" - Outspace
"The solution to hacking is giving everyone hacks, ezpz" - Miku
Ex-RP Moderator x4
Ex-PVP Moderator
x7 Washington Mayor
x2 PEI Mayor
Police Captain
RCMP Captain
"One Beer, Two Beers, Three Beers, a shot of Whiskey, a Margarita and a Bloody Mary" - Austin 3:16
Funny Quotes:
"You didn't do W2 so Fuck Off!" -Burnt
"Yiwaktew" - Outspace
"The solution to hacking is giving everyone hacks, ezpz" - Miku