All current Roleplay Police groups are listed here.
By Carrot2
In Game Name:Carrot
Steam Profile Link:
How many hours have you spend in unturned?: Longer than a Thousand
How many hours have you spend on pandahut?: A lot
How many hours have you spend being police/SWAT?: 2 Days
Do you have any previous experiences?:Yes,I do have previous experience
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?:I Do have a microphone and i'm willing to use it
Name all the commands of the police role (/arrest, /pr and so further): /ticket ,/arrest assist ,/arrestover ,
What are the illegal items?: Explosives High calibur Weapons Rockets But not the rocket launcher it self And Drugs like glue berries Unlicensed guns
Explain why you want to join the P.P.D. (minimum of 50 words):I Found that the City needed more High level Policemen To secure the city and Punish whoever Breaks the rules Which i found reasonable to me Join the Panda Hut Police Department Because I've had experiences before to be a policeman
Do you agree to stay loyal and active? (this will otherwise result in a demotion or kick)?: Yes, I agree
What would you do if there was a kidnapping going on?: I would try to say that we'll Pay if u get out with Hostage and Maybe if they do something scummy We try to get the hostages safe and good Then I'll try my best to get the kidnapper And get him to Law.
There is a raid going on. Explain in a minimum of 25 words what your action will be from start to finish?:i Would use a sniper and tell them to Freeze and put their hands up and put their weapons down if They do not do that they get a warning shot then I'll give them 3 warnings to drop the weapons and go kill them if they don't do that I'll arrest them if they follow my thought.
What would you do if you saw a P.P.D. member being corrupt?: I would try to tell him to not corrupt and help him if he disagrees I will just Get proof of him before I tell him and help him so i would get perfect proof
What would you do if you saw a P.P.D. owner being corrupt?:I Don't ever think he will but ima try to get proof and get him punished for his corruption and i might also do like the Question before that and if he threatens me i will try my best to make it better.
Any information you would like to share?:i'm Pretty sure thats it
By wonslowcar
With the growing mafia group(s) on 13, we, the PSD, would like to ask the PPD to extend their forces to 13 more and conjoin our teams to defeat the mafia.
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By Aren
With the growing mafia group(s) on 13, we, the PSD, would like to ask the PPD to extend their forces to 13 more and conjoin our teams to defeat the mafia.
Pm me on discord as I”m “in charge” of the ppd.
By wonslowcar
With the growing mafia group(s) on 13, we, the PSD, would like to ask the PPD to extend their forces to 13 more and conjoin our teams to defeat the mafia.
Pm me on discord as I”m “in charge” of the ppd.
Isn't it pleblo? Also will do
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By Classified_
P.P.D is already on #13, our problem is our members is mainly on #10.
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By Aren
With the growing mafia group(s) on 13, we, the PSD, would like to ask the PPD to extend their forces to 13 more and conjoin our teams to defeat the mafia.
Pm me on discord as I”m “in charge” of the ppd.
Isn't it pleblo? Also will do
pleblo is the founder/leader
im just his guy in charge
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By Aren
i am interested in joining the ppd my name is private woods and i have been on the police force for 56 hrs
Use the format found on page 1
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By Oneizzy
In Game Name: Oneizzy
Steam Profile Link:
SteamID64: 76561198309462131
Age: 14
How many hours have you spend in unturned?: About 157 hours
How many hours have you spend on pandahut?: 100 hours
How many hours have you spend being police/SWAT?: about 85 hours
Do you have any previous experiences?: Yes, i was a officer on the PSD force until i became inactive and was kicked
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?: Yes
Name all the commands of the police role (/arrest, /pr and so further): /arrest, /pr, /ticket, /ticketlist, /warrant ( deputy ), /raid ( captain), /rescue, /checkplayer
What are the illegal items?: High caliber weapons, such as Dragonfangs and Grizzlys ( not illegal if you're law enforcement), Unlicensed weapons, glue, explosives, all types of Narcotics ( Heroin , LSD, Weed), Impersonating a cop, all types/forms of Berries, Military Knives, rails.
Explain why you want to join the P.P.D. (minimum of 50 words): i want to join to keep pandahut server #10 safe and put the criminals, bandits, kidnapper and the mafia into jail because they do not belong on the street if they are doing crime in our city.
Do you agree to stay loyal and active? (this will otherwise result in a demotion or kick)?: Yes
What would you do if there was a kidnapping going on?: First, i would type /rescue (whoever is being kidnapped). Then i would say "/pr I am responding to the kidnapping, i will like backup". Then i would ask in world chat if anyone knows where the kidnapping is taking place. Once i acquire the information i need, and with members of the P.P.D i will respond to the location and deal with the situation. If i need to, i will shoot the kidnappers without hesitation.
There is a raid going on. Explain in a minimum of 25 words what your action will be from start to finish?: First, i will respond to the location but not allow the raider or raiders to see me and i would request for back up from my fellow officers on the force then when backup has arrived i will proceed with caution to the raid sight and give out warnings to the raider and ask them to stop their raid and put their hands up and if they don't listen to my commands i will shoot them without hesitation.
What would you do if you saw a P.P.D. member being corrupt?: i would start to take some video evidence with audio and consult my higher ups about the situation.
What would you do if you saw a P.P.D. owner being corrupt?: i would get some video evidence with audio and consult my higher ups and/or another owner of a police group.
Any information you would like to share?: I used to be a officer of the PSD and i would like to get back into being a police officer if you could can you make my request come true by accept me thank you for your time.
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By Nando
"This topic has been closed as the group is no longer active and it has been requested by Classified_"
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