All current Roleplay Police groups are listed here.
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By Epical
In Game Name:Epical
Steam Profile Link:
Vouchers: idk I am always ready for the right moment to spring into action.
How many hours have you spend in unturned?:500
How many hours have you spend on panda hat?: 1-200
How many hours have you spend being police/SWAT?: All of my time on Rp other than like a few days as chef
Do you have any previous experiences?: I do lots of arrests and tickets everyday
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?: I use it a lot
Name all the commands of the police role (/arrest, /pr and so further):/arrest /arrest assist /arrestover /checkplayer /checkrole /pr /ticket /ticketlist /ticketremove
What are the illegal items?:
Explain why you want to join the R.P.P.D. (minimum of 50 words): I love Being a Policeman. I am good at PvP, so I'm trustworthy on the force. I need other police that is good too to help me with arrests, rescues, raids, etc. I know a lot of good policemen on 10 and they all like to work with me. I Have a police station but don't have enough funding for sentries
Do you agree to stay loyal and active? (this will otherwise result in a demotion or kick)?: 100% yes
What would you do if there was a kidnapping going on?: pm the player being kidnapped, find him, do /rescue and kill the kidnapper or take him to jail
There is a raid going on. Explain in a minimum of 25 words what your action will be from start to finish?: Make sure my police uniform is on, /pr other policemen and ask about who's going. then I go to the raid and start trying to find the leader of the raid and kill him.
What would you do if you saw an R.P.P.D. member being corrupt?: Talk to my superiors and try to talk to them.
What would you do if you saw an R.P.P.D. owner being corrupt? :Talk to other peers
Any information you would like to share?:. I know the game super well and I'm VipPlus. Applied for Deputy on 10
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By PhantomPear