All current Roleplay Police groups are listed here.
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By Yoseph
In Game Name: Yoseph
Steam Profile Link:
SteamID64: 76561198141213178
Age: 14
How many hours have you spend in unturned?: About 600 hours
How many hours have you spend on pandahut?: 200 hours
How many hours have you spend being police/SWAT?: about 185 hours
Do you have any previous experiences?: Yes, i am currently a captain on pandahut rp #13 and have spent many hours as an officer. I was also in the PSD and a sheriff of the PSD.
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?: Yes
Name all the commands of the police role (/arrest, /pr and so further): /arrest, /pr, /ticket, /ticketlist, /warrant ( deputy ), /raid ( captain), /rescue, /checkplayer
What are the illegal items?: High caliber weapons, such as Dragonfangs and Grizzlys ( not illegal if you're law enforcement), Unlicensed weapons, glue, explosives, all types of Narcotics ( Heroin , LSD, Weed), Impersonating a cop, all types/forms of Berries, Military Knives, rails.
Explain why you want to join the P.P.D. (minimum of 50 words): I would like to join the P.P.D because I saw the way they work as a group, and feel like that is the best way to be an officer. I also feel like I have a lot of experience as a captain and will contribute value to the P.P.D. If accepted, I will definitely work hard to make sure all members of the P.P.D are safe, and criminals are put away in jail.
Do you agree to stay loyal and active? (this will otherwise result in a demotion or kick)?: Yes
What would you do if there was a kidnapping going on?: First, i would type /rescue (whoever is being kidnapped). Then i would say "/pr I am responding to the kidnapping, i will like backup". Then i would ask in world chat if anyone knows the kidnapping is taking place. Once i get that information, with members of the P.P.D i will rush to the location and handle the situation. If it comes down to it, i will shoot the kidnappers without hesitation.
There is a raid going on. Explain in a minimum of 25 words what your action will be from start to finish?: First, i will make sure i have at least 1 or more officers along my side. Then i will go to the raid zone, and start to scope out the area. Once i see where the raiders are, i will make smart decisions, along with the advice of other officers, get closer and open fire.
What would you do if you saw a P.P.D. member being corrupt?: I would instantly get evidence of that member being corrupt ( screenshots or recordings) and notify a higher up about the incident.
What would you do if you saw a P.P.D. owner being corrupt?:I would get evidence, and tell another owner or higher up a bout the incident.
Any information you would like to share?: I feel like i am a very experienced officer, being a captain, and would love to join the P.P.D. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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By Classified_
In Game Name: ¿dab?:^))
Steam Profile Link:
SteamID64: 76561198147280347
Age: 13
Vouchers: None
How many hours have you spend in unturned?: 621
How many hours have you spend on pandahut?: About 10
How many hours have you spend being police/SWAT?: About 6
Do you have any previous experiences?: I was an admin on another server.
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?: Yes
Name all the commands of the police role (/arrest, /pr and so further): /arrest /pr /checkplayer /ticket /ticketlist /tickets /removeticket /arrestover /raid /raidover /raid assist
What are the illegal items?: Explosives, Military Knives, Glue, Berries, Berry Related Items
Explain why you want to join the P.P.D. (minimum of 50 words): I want to join the P.P.D. because I love to help maintain servers. I also strongly dislike people that mis-play the game and ruin it for other people. I also enjoy the ability to get the chance to balance the odds between citizens, and bandits, and stop unnecessary KOS.
Do you agree to stay loyal and active? (this will otherwise result in a demotion or kick)?: Yes
What would you do if there was a kidnapping going on?: Alert other officers, gather up a plan, and start a rescue.
There is a raid going on. Explain in a minimum of 25 words what your action will be from start to finish?: First, I would /pr all other officers that there is a raid going on. Then, I would alert citizens to stay out of the raid-zone. Then, work with other officers to make a plan for defense of the raid. And, follow any higher officer’s commands.
What would you do if you saw a P.P.D. member being corrupt?: I would give them a ticket, along with a chance to change, then arrest them, and incarcerate them, in addition to reporting them to a higher up.
What would you do if you saw a P.P.D. owner being corrupt?: Report them to a RP admin, or higher, to get them talked to, and removed/punished.
Any information you would like to share?: I can speak some amount of Mandarin. Also, I will not break any more rules, after learning my lesson from my previous banns.
Accepted, please join the discord on the first page.
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By Classified_
In Game Name: Henry Dejustice
Steam Profile Link:
SteamID64: 76561198189546290
Age: 14
Vouchers: Defalt, Social Skillz

How many hours have you spend in unturned?: As of now, 1327 Hours.

How many hours have you spend on pandahut?: 150+

How many hours have you spend being police/SWAT?: 50 or so.

Do you have any previous experiences?: I was a police officer 1 year ago and was considered ELITE. I am currently an officer, and i've done many arrests, as many of the P.P.D members have seen.

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?: Yes

Name all the commands of the police role (/arrest, /pr and so further): /arrest /pr /rescue /ticket /checkrole /arrestover

What are the illegal items?: Butterfly Knife, Explosives, Berries, Rails, High Cal, Full Set of Police Clothes.

Explain why you want to join the P.P.D. (minimum of 50 words): It's a big group, and a big group need experienced men such as me to help. I have 1500 hours on
unturned, 1000 of those hours are just on pvp servers, both vanilla and creative. Back in the day I used to be amongst the best police officers, stopping kidnappers, hitmen, bandits, and kidnappers. With the help of my expertise in PVP, this group will be much better. I am also very active.

Do you agree to stay loyal and active? (this will otherwise result in a demotion or kick)?: Yes.

What would you do if there was a kidnapping going on?: Get behind cover, call a rescue, and proceed to negotiate with the kidnapper, if he doesn't want to negotiate, use lethal force.

There is a raid going on. Explain in a minimum of 25 words what your action will be from start to finish?: Take some medicine such as med-kits, dressings, and
blood bags with me, get my suppressed zubeknakov, and perch myself on a surrounding hill or building.

What would you do if you saw a P.P.D. member being corrupt?: Report him/her to a higher up to decide what will happen.

What would you do if you saw a P.P.D. owner being corrupt?: Report him/her to a staff.

Any information you would like to share?: 1 year ago I was one of the best police officers. Criminals who I will keep anonymous have said so.
Application declined.
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By Classified_
In Game Name: Yoseph
Steam Profile Link:
SteamID64: 76561198141213178
Age: 14
How many hours have you spend in unturned?: About 600 hours
How many hours have you spend on pandahut?: 200 hours
How many hours have you spend being police/SWAT?: about 185 hours
Do you have any previous experiences?: Yes, i am currently a captain on pandahut rp #13 and have spent many hours as an officer. I was also in the PSD and a sheriff of the PSD.
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?: Yes
Name all the commands of the police role (/arrest, /pr and so further): /arrest, /pr, /ticket, /ticketlist, /warrant ( deputy ), /raid ( captain), /rescue, /checkplayer
What are the illegal items?: High caliber weapons, such as Dragonfangs and Grizzlys ( not illegal if you're law enforcement), Unlicensed weapons, glue, explosives, all types of Narcotics ( Heroin , LSD, Weed), Impersonating a cop, all types/forms of Berries, Military Knives, rails.
Explain why you want to join the P.P.D. (minimum of 50 words): I would like to join the P.P.D because I saw the way they work as a group, and feel like that is the best way to be an officer. I also feel like I have a lot of experience as a captain and will contribute value to the P.P.D. If accepted, I will definitely work hard to make sure all members of the P.P.D are safe, and criminals are put away in jail.
Do you agree to stay loyal and active? (this will otherwise result in a demotion or kick)?: Yes
What would you do if there was a kidnapping going on?: First, i would type /rescue (whoever is being kidnapped). Then i would say "/pr I am responding to the kidnapping, i will like backup". Then i would ask in world chat if anyone knows the kidnapping is taking place. Once i get that information, with members of the P.P.D i will rush to the location and handle the situation. If it comes down to it, i will shoot the kidnappers without hesitation.
There is a raid going on. Explain in a minimum of 25 words what your action will be from start to finish?: First, i will make sure i have at least 1 or more officers along my side. Then i will go to the raid zone, and start to scope out the area. Once i see where the raiders are, i will make smart decisions, along with the advice of other officers, get closer and open fire.
What would you do if you saw a P.P.D. member being corrupt?: I would instantly get evidence of that member being corrupt ( screenshots or recordings) and notify a higher up about the incident.
What would you do if you saw a P.P.D. owner being corrupt?:I would get evidence, and tell another owner or higher up a bout the incident.
Any information you would like to share?: I feel like i am a very experienced officer, being a captain, and would love to join the P.P.D. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Application accepted, join the discord at the front of the page.
By Z-01
In Game Name:Z-01
Steam Profile Link:
How many hours have you spend in unturned?:1000
How many hours have you spend on pandahut?:500
How many hours have you spend being police/SWAT?:100
Do you have any previous experiences?: I have been a police on ph10 and ph13 but other then that no.
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?:yes
Name all the commands of the police role (/arrest, /pr and so further):/arrest,/pr,/rescue,/ticket,/warrant,
What are the illegal items?:Glue,Military knifes,Berries,explosives,high caliber weapons
Explain why you want to join the P.P.D. (minimum of 50 words): I have always liked real police and have always wanted to rp as a real officer, but i have never found the right group to help me learn or to rp with as a officer. I have heard this group is very fun to be in. Overall this group sounds fun and i have always wanted to be a part of something like this.
Do you agree to stay loyal and active? (this will otherwise result in a demotion or kick)?:Yes
What would you do if there was a kidnapping going on?: Find the buildig the hostage is being held in and do /rescue I would then rescue the hostage safely.
There is a raid going on. Explain in a minimum of 25 words what your action will be from start to finish?:Locate were the raid is. Gear up. Go there and locate the raider(s). Kill the raider(s).
What would you do if you saw a P.P.D. member being corrupt?: report to P.P.D. executives.
What would you do if you saw a P.P.D. owner being corrupt?: Tell pandahut staff members
Any information you would like to share?: The only rp servers i play on are ph10 and ph13. I can rp seriously as a cop.
By Ripper The
In Game Name: TheRipperb420
Steam Profile Link:
SteamID64: 76561198803189749
Age: 17
Vouchers: Y
How many hours have you spend in unturned?: 6
How many hours have you spend on pandahut?: 6
How many hours have you spend being police/SWAT?: 5
Do you have any previous experiences?: No, but im willing to learn
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?: Yes
Name all the commands of the police role (/arrest, /pr and so further): /police , there are commands for /buy and so on
What are the illegal items?: Drugs( Dont use drugs kids) Weapons without license
Explain why you want to join the P.P.D. (minimum of 50 words): I recently joined the server and i liked it, but when i play i see alot of bandits and robbers but cops nowhere
Do you agree to stay loyal and active? (this will otherwise result in a demotion or kick)?: Yes
What would you do if there was a kidnapping going on?: I would call for backup and i would chase the kidnaper
There is a raid going on. Explain in a minimum of 25 words what your action will be from start to finish?: First of all i would listen to captains commands then i would do my job from start to finish ;)
What would you do if you saw a P.P.D. member being corrupt?: Tell to PPD owner
What would you do if you saw a P.P.D. owner being corrupt?: Report him?
Any information you would like to share?: Gl to me and everbody
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By Yoshi
In Game Name: Yoshi
Steam Profile Link:
SteamID64: 76561198095383406
Age: 14
Vouchers: none
How many hours have you spend in unturned?: 479
How many hours have you spend on pandahut?: probably around 100
How many hours have you spend being police/SWAT?: 60 hours or so
Do you have any previous experiences?:was with a police group called Unturned exotic gamers (UEA) but we disbanded
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?:yes
Name all the commands of the police role (/arrest, /pr and so further):/arrest,/arrestover,/pr,/police,/ticket, /ticketlist,/removeticket,/rescue,/rescueover,/warrant,/warrantlist
What are the illegal items?: glue, any form of berries (raw berries, berry pie, refined berries), rails, military knives, unlicensed guns, hells fury, grizzly, dragonfang, explosives.
Explain why you want to join the P.P.D. (minimum of 50 words): I want to join the P.P.D because of their group motive and dedication to the police role. I feel I have this dedication as well and have the experience to prove it. I also want to make the server a better place, back when I played other roles, I saw tons of people just breaking the law right in front of the police, and the police rarely did anything about it. Soon after that I joined the the police role to help stop this, it annoyed me(granted this was around 8 months ago). Now i have become a very experienced police officer, I want to bring my skill to a group, because i feel that is very important to completing tasks on the server.
Do you agree to stay loyal and active? (this will otherwise result in a demotion or kick)?:I do.
What would you do if there was a kidnapping going on?: Immediately I would do /rescue, after this I would use /pr to ask if any other police member had information on the area of the hostage situation, if not, i would attempt to find the location and gather a group of officers to help save the hostage, but all of this would have to be done very quickly.
There is a raid going on. Explain in a minimum of 25 words what your action will be from start to finish?: First, i would use /police or /pr to gather a group to help stop the raid. We would arrive at the raid zone and attempt to kill the raiders.
What would you do if you saw a P.P.D. member being corrupt?: I would report it to a higher up in the P.P.D.
What would you do if you saw a P.P.D. owner being corrupt?: I would report it to another owner/ high ranking member.
Any information you would like to share?: I enjoy sleep
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By Aren
In Game Name: Yoshi
Steam Profile Link:
SteamID64: 76561198095383406
Age: 14
Vouchers: none
How many hours have you spend in unturned?: 479
How many hours have you spend on pandahut?: probably around 100
How many hours have you spend being police/SWAT?: 60 hours or so
Do you have any previous experiences?:was with a police group called Unturned exotic gamers (UEA) but we disbanded
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?:yes
Name all the commands of the police role (/arrest, /pr and so further):/arrest,/arrestover,/pr,/police,/ticket, /ticketlist,/removeticket,/rescue,/rescueover,/warrant,/warrantlist
What are the illegal items?: glue, any form of berries (raw berries, berry pie, refined berries), rails, military knives, unlicensed guns, hells fury, grizzly, dragonfang, explosives.
Explain why you want to join the P.P.D. (minimum of 50 words): I want to join the P.P.D because of their group motive and dedication to the police role. I feel I have this dedication as well and have the experience to prove it. I also want to make the server a better place, back when I played other roles, I saw tons of people just breaking the law right in front of the police, and the police rarely did anything about it. Soon after that I joined the the police role to help stop this, it annoyed me(granted this was around 8 months ago). Now i have become a very experienced police officer, I want to bring my skill to a group, because i feel that is very important to completing tasks on the server.
Do you agree to stay loyal and active? (this will otherwise result in a demotion or kick)?:I do.
What would you do if there was a kidnapping going on?: Immediately I would do /rescue, after this I would use /pr to ask if any other police member had information on the area of the hostage situation, if not, i would attempt to find the location and gather a group of officers to help save the hostage, but all of this would have to be done very quickly.
There is a raid going on. Explain in a minimum of 25 words what your action will be from start to finish?: First, i would use /police or /pr to gather a group to help stop the raid. We would arrive at the raid zone and attempt to kill the raiders.
What would you do if you saw a P.P.D. member being corrupt?: I would report it to a higher up in the P.P.D.
What would you do if you saw a P.P.D. owner being corrupt?: I would report it to another owner/ high ranking member.
Any information you would like to share?: I enjoy sleep
Accepted contact me on discord for an invite
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By Aren
In Game Name: TheRipperb420
Steam Profile Link:
SteamID64: 76561198803189749
Age: 17
Vouchers: Y
How many hours have you spend in unturned?: 6
How many hours have you spend on pandahut?: 6
How many hours have you spend being police/SWAT?: 5
Do you have any previous experiences?: No, but im willing to learn
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?: Yes
Name all the commands of the police role (/arrest, /pr and so further): /police , there are commands for /buy and so on
What are the illegal items?: Drugs( Dont use drugs kids) Weapons without license
Explain why you want to join the P.P.D. (minimum of 50 words): I recently joined the server and i liked it, but when i play i see alot of bandits and robbers but cops nowhere
Do you agree to stay loyal and active? (this will otherwise result in a demotion or kick)?: Yes
What would you do if there was a kidnapping going on?: I would call for backup and i would chase the kidnaper
There is a raid going on. Explain in a minimum of 25 words what your action will be from start to finish?: First of all i would listen to captains commands then i would do my job from start to finish ;)
What would you do if you saw a P.P.D. member being corrupt?: Tell to PPD owner
What would you do if you saw a P.P.D. owner being corrupt?: Report him?
Any information you would like to share?: Gl to me and everbody
Declined as you did not meet the required marks for
Code: Select allExplain why you want to join the P.P.D. (minimum of 50 words): There is a raid going on. Explain in a minimum of 25 words what your action will be from start to finish?:
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