All current Roleplay Police groups are listed here.
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By IceVenomOG
- Ingame name: IceVenom
- Steam profile URL:
- Age: 15
- Your current role: Swat
- Why do you wanna join PSD: (minimum 50 words) I would like to join PSD because i created it with klockmann right after we disbanded the charlottetown police department.
- How many hours have you played Cop? I have played most of my hours as RCMP or Swat
- Cop experience:
- Do you have a mic?: Yes
- Explain all the basic police commands & what they do. (/pr, /arrest, /arrestover, /checkplayer): pr is police radio, you use this to inform officers of info. Arrest or /arrest "player name" to arrest a player for illegal items/contraband. Arrestover is declaring that you are no longer arresting the player. Checkplayer, you use this command to check the specified player for contraband, unlicensed weapons, etc.
- Do you agree to be on discord in our PSD channel overtime active on-duty in game on #13?: Yes
- Do you understand, that if you get accepted, you will need to get accepted again though an interview and training? Yes i have gone through it before
- Do you understand, that PSD leadership can kick/demote you anytime, if you do not fullfil the task given to you/corruption/inactivity?[This must be a YES, to be accepted]: Yes i understand
Discord name with tags: Mango#1936
Have any other officers referred you? (Senior officers and higher may give out referrals): Yes supreme leader kim and thieving recommended me.
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By IceVenomOG
Dude wdym i just filled out 2 applications which one do you want me to do?!?!