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Unread postPosted:December 5th, 2018, 6:01 pm
by Ghos_119
In Game Name:
Steam Profile Link:
SteamID64: 76561198190083127
Age: 12
How many hours have you spend in unturned?: 433 hours
How many hours have you spend on pandahut?: 110.183 hours
How many hours have you spend being a police role?: 40 i think
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?: yes and im fine with using it
Name all the commands of the police role (/arrest, /pr and so further):/arrest (name) (reason) | /arrestassist (name) | /ticket (name) (reason) (amount) | /checkplayer (name) | /raidassist (name)
What items are illegal?: explosives ,berries ,narcotics , etc.
Explain why you wish to join the C.P.D (minimum of fifty words): i dont know they said i must and it looked cool
Do you promise to become a chad police officer, and not a virgin criminal on #13?: not sure what that means but sure (i haved robbed people before)
What would you do if a kidnapping was taking place?: investigate then do /rescue (name of person)
What would you do if a raid was taking place?: wait for a higher rank officer to tell me what to do
What would you do if a rob was taking place?: wait for a higher rank officer to tell me what to do
Do you promise to become a chad, stay a chad, and never undo anything that made you become a chad?: Yes
Any other things we should know about you?: i can fly planes good :3


Unread postPosted:December 5th, 2018, 6:09 pm
by Jacket1
Congratulations! You have been accepted into the CPD! Please contact Jacket#4915 On discord for an invite to the group, and discord.
by the way only apply on the application threat, not make a new one


Unread postPosted:December 5th, 2018, 8:33 pm
by iMC
Locked to prevent further applications from being posted here.

If you want to apply for CPD, please read and make a reply to THIS post -->