Player Giveaways for PVP and RP!
By Dark is shadow
Hello Pandas!

I would like to thank the community for believing in me all the times. It really helps me a lot to moderate better so i wanted to return the favor to the community by giving 50000 bamboo to the community (pvp). Winner of this would be announced the next one (1) week. Good luck everyone!

Format for joining:
How you helped the community:
Why you wanna win the giveaway?:

Winner once again would be announce next one week at exactly 4:04 Pm in eastern time!

Note: Registration is only up to 6 days, the next day, I would be announcing the winner!
Last edited by Dark is shadow on October 8th, 2017, 6:54 am, edited 3 times in total.
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By TastyMelon
IGN: TastyMelon

Age: 19

How you helped the community: I didn't really get to help the community much when I forst joined. After I went away for around 5 months of military school I came back and to my suprise there were lots of new people but also a lot of people who still knew me. Indecided i wanted to give back something, thats why I became a moderator and also mayor. To give back!

Why you wanna win the giveaway: its not that I want to win the giveaway, its just that it will help me since I didnt get the money the mvp+ kit provides you with haha :P
Dark is shadow liked this
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By tMoist
IGN: T-Moist ofc
Age: 13 ofc
How you helped the community: I’m currently a RP Trial Mod and loving it! I have helped many people along my journey from a nobody to a forum shitposter, to a forum mod, to a borderline shitposter, to a discord shitposter, to a trial mod!
Why you wanna win the giveaway?: After a long day of ignoring adminhelps moderating, don’t you just feel like heading into some KitPVP and noscoping plebs with the shadowstalker? There’s only one problem. Shadowstalkers are very expensive. Any kind of money to help feed my noscope addiction would be appreciated, thank you for reading.
Dark is shadow, TrippL liked this
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By Federix02
Format for joining:

IGN: The Yanitor /Federix
Age: 15
How you helped the community: I have been the best janitor and clean up everything
Why you wanna win the giveaway?: To get better mops
Dark is shadow liked this
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By Classified_
Format for joining:
IGN: Priest Pleb
Age: 16
How you helped the community: I am Edmin i ben all bed guys from Kei O Ess.
Why you wanna win the giveaway?: Manni is good.
Dark is shadow liked this
By kees010
How i helped the community: I didnt really helped ony people like that are new at RP and doesnt know what to do
Why i want to win this giveaway: I dont have much bamboo at all so i would like to win this giveaway :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Last edited by kees010 on October 12th, 2017, 7:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By sneadera
IGN: sneadera
Age: 14
How you helped the community: I am a police captain and a mod. I protect u from kosers and crims
Why you wanna win the giveaway? :yum: why wouldn't I is the question
Dark is shadow liked this
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By Flopdup
IGN: flawpdawp
Age: 16
How you helped the community: glubel admun
Why you wanna win the giveaway?: Mooshie doesn't let me apay myself anymore
Hardium, tMoist, Dark is shadow and 2 others liked this