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180k RP bamboo giveaway!

Unread postPosted:May 10th, 2018, 3:37 am
by Classified_
Hjello, everyone! Today I've decided that I want to giveaway 180k bamboo! more exact: 181097. which is an extra 1097 bamboo! Easy money.

The requirements to join the giveaway is to fill out the sheet below:

-IG name:
-Favorite (PH)RP server:
-Favorite drink:
-Favorite food:
-Why should you be chosen?

//Ends 17th of May!//

Re: 180k RP bamboo giveaway!

Unread postPosted:May 10th, 2018, 3:51 am
by Ace Clip
-IG name: Fiffka is not here
-ID64: 76561198155815302
-Favorite (PH)RP server: #13.
-Favorite drink: Blood
-Favorite food: Bones and brains.
-Why should you be chosen? If i will get that money, i dont promise ill make a shelter for all homeless cats.

Re: 180k RP bamboo giveaway!

Unread postPosted:May 10th, 2018, 4:07 am
by NeedlessMemeing
-IG name: NeedlessMemeing
-ID64: 76561198110021934
-Favorite (PH)RP server: 13
-Favorite drink: Pepsi
-Favorite food: Pizza
-Why should you be chosen? Because I'm poor. I'll put the money to good use, maybe using it to make a few droog farms (on 10)

Re: 180k RP bamboo giveaway!

Unread postPosted:May 10th, 2018, 4:35 am
by John Leary
IG name: John Leary
-ID64: 76561197998564438
-Favorite (PH)RP server: 13
-Favorite drink: Fanta<3
-Favorite food: Burger
-Why should you be choosen? Im poor in rp

Re: 180k RP bamboo giveaway!

Unread postPosted:May 10th, 2018, 5:25 am
by Lex Of Talionis
-IG name JacobandTay
-ID64: 561198289221330
-Favorite (PH)RP server: 13
-Favorite drink: some mf sprite
-Favorite food: Poptarts
-Why should you be chosen? My churches ain't gonna pay for themselves

Re: 180k RP bamboo giveaway!

Unread postPosted:May 10th, 2018, 7:55 am
by ShrewdShroud
-IG name: ShrewdShroud
-ID64: 76561198273590813
-Favorite (PH)RP server: #10
-Favorite drink: Tonic.
-Favorite food: Cottage cheese pie with dill.
-Why should you be chosen? Idk, but 181097 = 7 × 41 × 631.

Re: 180k RP bamboo giveaway!

Unread postPosted:May 10th, 2018, 8:04 am
by Brylyth
-IG name: Bugpony
-ID64: 76561198125330343
-Favorite (PH)RP server: RP13 - the boulders make my life easier.
-Favorite drink: Bottled Coffee
-Favorite food: Canned Beans
-Why should you be chosen? Because you forgot to add me to that one mayor ballot? :P
Honestly, I don't have a super strong reason. I feel like I've contributed to the community, but that's really subjective.

(I can use my phone now reee! :P)

Re: 180k RP bamboo giveaway!

Unread postPosted:May 10th, 2018, 9:43 am
by TrippL
-IG name: Orange
-ID64: in signature
-Favorite (PH)RP server: 13
-Favorite drink: Minute Maid Orange Juice
-Favorite food: Cuties
-Why should you be chosen? Why shouldn’t I be chosen?

Re: 180k RP bamboo giveaway!

Unread postPosted:May 10th, 2018, 9:51 am
by Fuzzy
-IG name: Fuzzy
-ID64: 76561198173995098
-Favorite (PH)RP server: 13
-Favorite drink: Oreo Milkshake
-Favorite food: My mother's chicken & rice with a cream sauce
-Why should you be chosen?: I am your favourite target for bullying

Re: 180k RP bamboo giveaway!

Unread postPosted:May 10th, 2018, 10:00 am
by IceVenomOG
-IG name:IceVenom
-ID64: 76561198178092038
-Favorite (PH)RP server: 13
-Favorite drink: Imma have to go with some Hawaiian punch.
-Favorite food: My mother made it. Its called sausage rotini. Its bomb af
-Why should you be chosen? Because crime organizations dont run themselves if you know what I mean ;-)