Police Demotions Requests which are Finished
A new Police Demotion Request has been submitted by BlizzardTitan.
  • Player's Name: [Femboy] Indigo
  • Player's SteamID64: 76561199171697585
  • Player's Police Rank: Chief
  • Reason / Evidence: Evidence and report formatting are from Grenade, just doing my duty as a Chief and sending it in.

    Corruption, Indigo was actively inside of a raid as it was happing standing directly next to the raider yet refusing to counter and even allegedly helping the raiders by making storage for them to use to store all their items they gained from the raid. And this was only MINUTES after Indigo countered a raid including one criminal else and successfully stopped it meaning they were MORE than capable at vanquishing the threat in this raid which was also only one person.

    (Evidence #1: from ItzJayJay's perspective DURING the raid showing indigo inside a room with the raider actively doing nothing to counter the raid):
    https://medal.tv/games/unturned/clips/i ... MTUxMTE3LA
    (Evidence #2: from my perspective Indigo STILL inside of the raid moments after it ended assisting in crafting storage items as heard from the sound inside the video and the 3 already made ones placed down as you can see in Evidence #3):
    https://medal.tv/games/unturned/clips/i ... MTAyNTAxLA
    (Evidence #3: from my perspective indigo IN the raid zone actively running around and helping and make storage for the raiders not attempting to run, counter or do anything to prevent further damage and clearly not being threatened aimed at or forced to do anything against their will as shown by their free movement in the video. Also, a second perspective of jay's death as show in Evidence #1.):
    https://medal.tv/games/unturned/clips/i ... MTAyNTAxLA
    (Evidence #4: This clip shows indigo freely walking around with the raider whilst they were unarmed at one point as if it was just a normal day and they were walking together on the street and indigo sat right there in the corner continuing to let them blow open more storage items right Infront of them with no consequences):
    https://medal.tv/games/unturned/clips/i ... MTAyNTAxLA
    Conclusion: in conclusion the POLICE CHEIF of panda hut PD, based on evidence can be clearly seen not only failing to do their job but HELP criminals commit crime actively and not even attempt to punish or report the criminals wrongdoings AFTER the raid was said and done so I believe they should be removed from the police or AT LEAST demoted. Cops like this who support criminal activities shouldn't be given a place on the police force and anybody effected by them should get their justice.
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By iMC
OP does not have the Police Chief rank in-game.

 Moved from Police Demotions to Finished on August 23rd, 2024, 9:22 pm by iMC