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Police Demotion Request from Voltz

Unread postPosted:April 27th, 2023, 8:51 pm
by Voltz
A new Police Demotion Request has been submitted by Voltz.
  • Player's Name: Tomato
  • Player's SteamID64: 76561198102672252
  • Player's Police Rank: Swat
  • Reason / Evidence:

    (2) Possession of one or more illegal items (4 W.S. Code § 2)
    (8) The sale of weapons as an officer to any person who isn’t a weaponsmith.
    (8) Possession of more than four prohibited items or weapons (4 W.S. Code §§ 1-2).
    (17) Public display of 4 or more firearms in a store (not owned by a weaponsmith)

Re: Police Demotion Request from Voltz

Unread postPosted:April 28th, 2023, 6:14 am
by TomatoChunks
I was not in possession of any illegal items as a cop. Even after doing the /removeshop command, the text still shows for some reason. I also have a permit from the Mayor to have additional guns displayed, not that there is even any displayed in the evidence provided.

Re: Police Demotion Request from Voltz

Unread postPosted:May 9th, 2023, 11:56 am
by Smash
Due to the lack of rules/laws on sign shops, no punishment will be given.