Player Giveaways for PVP and RP!
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By Liona

• If you have more than 1 hour on RP you can join
• Real O.G's are accepted
• Quavo is banned cause he too rich
• Supreme is banned for being the big gay (jk love you man)


Real name:
Post code:
Picture of your house:

shit sorry wrong format.

Actual format

RP Hours:
Why you want to win:
Best memory on RP:

Good luck and have fun my boys
Helena, Supreme Leader, MemeOverlord and 1 others liked this
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By Supreme Leader
Steam/IGN: Sheriff R.Davidson
Age: 17
RP Hours: Too much
Why you want to win: Cause I'm poor and you're an OG
Discord: Tony Montana#2089
Best memory on RP: You and I messing around
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By candyvan
416 hours on pandahut rp
why:my landslide defeat in the elections made me clinically depressed, but i still wanna help new dudes out so if you help me your helping others too :)
discod: candyvan#4833
my best memory is umm
i think its when shinobi locked us in the school and threw smoke bombs and shot in the air and me n thomasino .
shouted sandy hook or when i made candiesville or that time when i wasn't hated by everyone :(
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By TomatoChunks
Steam/IGN: TomatoChunks
Age: 18+
RP Hours: A lot
Why you want to win: I don't want anyone else to get the money.
Discord: TomatoChunks#2020
Best memory on RP: When JacobandTay false raided the entire server on 13 and got perma banned
Last edited by TomatoChunks on March 9th, 2019, 9:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By MemeOverlord

• If you have more than 1 hour on RP you can join
• Real O.G's are accepted
• Quavo is banned cause he too rich
• Supreme is banned for being the big gay (jk love you man)


Real name:
Post code:
Picture of your house:

shit sorry wrong format.

Actual format

RP Hours:
Why you want to win:
Best memory on RP:

Good luck and have fun my boys

Steam/IGN: Meme Overlord,
Age: 15
RP Hours: 150+
why you want to win: I'm going to give it to a great man named Shinobi
Discord: Pomegranate#7134
Best memory on RP: I'd have to say countering MiKe and ZERO in a kidnapping 😁

I miss Pandahut and want to come back, but while I'm banned, I might as well get some bamboo for my favorite mod
Last edited by MemeOverlord on March 8th, 2019, 10:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By MemeOverlord
416 hours on pandahut rp
why:my landslide defeat in the elections made me clinically depressed, but i still wanna help new dudes out so if you help me your helping others too :)
discod: candyvan#4833
my best memory is umm
i think its when shinobi locked us in the school and threw smoke bombs and shot in the air and me n thomasino .
shouted sandy hook or when i made candiesville or that time when i wasn't hated by everyone :(
Don't lie about your hours, there's no way that you have 400+ hours smh
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By Miku

• If you have more than 1 hour on RP you can join
• Real O.G's are accepted
• Quavo is banned cause he too rich
• Supreme is banned for being the big gay (jk love you man)


Real name:
Post code:
Picture of your house:

shit sorry wrong format.

Actual format

RP Hours:
Why you want to win:
Best memory on RP:

Good luck and have fun my boys
Please provide a link to your own profile.
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By MemeOverlord

• If you have more than 1 hour on RP you can join
• Real O.G's are accepted
• Quavo is banned cause he too rich
• Supreme is banned for being the big gay (jk love you man)


Real name:
Post code:
Picture of your house:

shit sorry wrong format.

Actual format

RP Hours:
Why you want to win:
Best memory on RP:

Good luck and have fun my boys
Please provide a link to your own profile.
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By candyvan
416 hours on pandahut rp
why:my landslide defeat in the elections made me clinically depressed, but i still wanna help new dudes out so if you help me your helping others too :)
discod: candyvan#4833
my best memory is umm
i think its when shinobi locked us in the school and threw smoke bombs and shot in the air and me n thomasino .
shouted sandy hook or when i made candiesville or that time when i wasn't hated by everyone :(
Don't lie about your hours, there's no way that you have 400+ hours smh
ask for an admin my friend :)