Ban/Mute Appeals Discord and any other Pandahut Service besides Unturned game servers (including RP).
By daydream
A new Ban Appeal has been submitted by daydream.
  • In-Game Name: jenn;) (daydream124306)
  • Ban ID: P49323
  • Ban Length (If Known): Permanent
  • Time of Ban: 8:45pm
  • Server: Pandahut #4 [Semi Vanilla] [10x] [Old School]
  • Banned by Staff Member:
  • Reason of Ban and Your Explanation: They are saying I cheated and that's why I was banned, but I have never cheated in my life and I am actually quite bad at the game. I just built a sky base and I got banned while I was collecting metal. I am really upset because it took so long just for me to get banned for no reason. Please help, I really like this server.