- February 6th, 2025, 1:32 am
A new Staff Application has been submitted by trinityseven0.
- In-Game Name: trinityseven0
- Age: 21
- Rank Desired: Moderator
- Online Hours (Example: 5PM to 9PM EST): 1 PM to 8 PM est
- Time Zone: GMT+03 europe/Istanbul
- Time (in Hours Total) I Have Been Playing at Pandahut: 60-70 hours or more
- SteamID64: 76561198834286544
- Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/trinityseven0/
- Staff Member(s) That Have Referred Me to Fill out This Application:
- Do I Have A Microphone and Am I Willing to Use It Often: Yes
- Administrative Experience on any Other Servers, with Proof:
- Why I Think I Should Be A Staff Member: I've been an admin and community moderator in many places, not just games. I love helping people and managing people. I will do my best to punish those who do not follow the rules and to make them follow the rules.