- November 14th, 2016, 11:49 am
IGN: IsaiahYour application have been Accepted welcome to the R.P.H.D
SteamID64: 76561198021663283
Steam profile link:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198021663283/
Vouches: Splash
How much reputation you have?: 25
Describe in 100 characters why should the R.P.H.D accept you [50 characters minimum]: I am a committed cop I try to respond to every call that I get I will respect my hire ups and I will help make panda-hut a better RP server for people to play on and have fun. I believe that if I join this force I can really get the chance to help make things better on this server (although they are great) RP wise and I would like to join this force because it's like swat and I want to put my PvP skills to use. I also wanna enjoy my time and have fun while in the group and be serious about Hardcore RP!
Experience: Have been playing this game for a long time and am great at pvp
Previous bans: twice 1 for rules and 1 for Revenge KOS
How long have you been police continuously: 6 days
Do you have ts3: Yes
Are you willing to hardcore rp and follow the rules?: Yes Sir!
What are the illegal items?: drugs, Military knife, Explosives,
Rate how much mature you are from 1-10: 9.5
Rate your pvp skills from 1-10: 9
Rate your tactician skills from 1-10: 7.5
If you see a bandit group in seattle and someone next to them doing illegal what will you do?: Call in for backup and try to watch until backup comes.
If you see a berry farm inside of a base, what will you do?: Take screenshots and call captain for a warrant to search the base.
If there is a hostage situation what will you do?: Call in backup and type rescue in chat.
If there is a raid situation what will you do?: Call in backup on radio and go and stop the raid
If you see a robbery what will you do?: Shoot the robber immediately.
If you see a drug deal occurring what will you do?: Try to find the roles of the players, Call in backup, if not both bandit then Arrest the dealers.
IGN: Dapper DerpyYour application is under Review message me on steam for further information
SteamID64: 76561198127467980
Steam profile link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198127467980
Age: 20 (DOB: 12/09/1995)
Vouches: I don't remember if anyone has vouched for me.
How much reputation you have?: Unfortunately my rep is -240. I think it's from when I play pvp on this character. I don't really do any shady stuff, and I am trying to figure out how to get my rep back up to normal.
Describe in 100 characters why should the R.P.H.D accept you [50 characters minimum]: I have been a police officer on Pandahut #10 for at least a month now, and have done anything I could to keep the Tacoma county area free of crime. I run and keep up the police station in Tacoma, even though it's constantly getting raided. I want to be in the RPHD so I can use the RPHD jail when I'm in the area. It can be dangerous driving all the way cross the map to book a suspect in. I also feel like I could be useful as a sniper during a raid or a coordinated arrest.
Experience: I am a cop on 10, and have been for over a month. I'm still getting used to combat, but I'm good with a sniper rifle, if that's any use.
Previous bans: I have no previous bans.
How long have you been police continuously: I have been a cop on 10 for at least a month now.
Do you have ts3: I have teamspeak, I'm a mod, so I have to have it.
Are you willing to hardcore rp and follow the rules?: I already do, and yes I am.
What are the illegal items?: Illegal items are: Military knives, berries, glue (if drinking), explosives (except for explosives expert)
Rate how much mature you are from 1-10: I would probably rate myself about an 8. I might be higher up if my temper didn't sometimes get the best of me. When I get mad, I try to back up and calm down normally, although a few times people have pissed me off to the point of yelling. I have never lost my temper and kosed though, so there's that.
Rate your pvp skills from 1-10: that's about a 7 with normal weapons, and an 8 with a sniper rifle.
Rate your tactician skills from 1-10: I'd say that's a 6, I try to plan things out, but it almost always falls apart due to lack of communication or coordination.
If you see a bandit group in Seattle and someone next to them doing illegal what will you do?: Well if the law-breaker is also a bandit, I try to get them alone, ambush them with a group of police. If not, i just arrest them as per normal, because bandits can only jailbreak bandits.
If you see a berry farm inside of a base, what will you do?: I call for back up, and we arrest the owner, the farm would be destroyed, and the person given an appropriate sentence.
If there is a hostage situation what will you do?: If the hostage is out in the open, call rescue from cover, and take out the kidnapper. If they are barricaded, lure the kidnapper out or wait him out, call rescue, then eliminate the threat.
If there is a raid situation what will you do?: If there is a raid, I find a spot inside raid zone and snipe raiders while my teammates move in to sweep up the rest.
If you see a robbery what will you do?: I kill the robber. If I don't know where it's at, I start listening for gunshots, someone making demands or the like.
If you see a drug deal occurring what will you do?: I arrest the drug dealer, and call for back up to deal with the buyer.
IGN:TheShadowCrusher/BeastShadowPigYour application have been ACCEPTED welcome to the R.P.H.D
SteamID64: 76561198171611730
Steam profile link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198171611730/
Age: 14
Vouches: Flopdup and Silent mango
How much reputation you have?: -553
Describe in 100 characters why should the R.P.H.D accept you [50 characters minimum]: I think they shold accept me because i have alot of experience with raids, kidnapps and arrests. Plsuss alot of other players have told me that i shold join the R.P.H.D
and if i can join this group i will then be able to comunicate better with the rest of the force. And if i join then you have another police in your force that can help the rest of the Citizen of Whasington. Pluss i can help to get other officers in the group so we can be even more players.
on one day i rescued 4 hostages and helpt stop 1 raid.
Experience: I have alot of experience with kidnaps and raids. Arrests i also do arounf 4 arrests a day.
Previous bans: 1 on pandahut #3 i was banned for glithing with i did not do. But im pretty sure the mod that banned me hated me.
How long have you been police continuously: I have been for 1 week now. Pluss alot of other times in the past.
Do you have ts3: yes i do.
Are you willing to hardcore rp and follow the rules?: Yes. Already doing that.
What are the illegal items?: Its is Berries, Glue, Military Knives, Explosives & Rails and pie. (Not rocket-Launchers and RailGuns) Clai-more,LandMine, Also Steely-Weelys, Police uniform when your not a officer, Same with cars and boats and helicopters.
Rate how much mature you are from 1-10: 8
Rate your pvp skills from 1-10: 8 I have alot of houers on pvp servers.
Rate your tactician skills from 1-10: 8
If you see a bandit group in seattle and someone next to them doing illegal what will you do?: I will contack other officers. But if nobody resbond i will still try.
If you see a berry farm inside of a base, what will you do?: I will take Screen-Shots and give them to a higher up. And help with the drug-raid if so needed.
If there is a hostage situation what will you do?: Call for backup. If i dont get any. I will still go inn and rescue the hostage. Cause the hostage desserves freedom
If there is a raid situation what will you do?: First call for backup. Same here if i dont get any i will still go inn and stop it. And i dont care how many there is. i will try my best so the owners dont have to come to a raided base.
If you see a robbery what will you do?: Go right in and waste no time and take out the robber.
If you see a drug deal occurring what will you do?: Call for backup. And whait for the right time to arrest.
Steam link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/JordanXcraft/
Apply to R.P.H.D Here - http://pandahut.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=6872
Need help Being police? Look here- Link 1: http://pandahut.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=6703
Link 2: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... sp=sharing

Steam link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/JordanXcraft/
Apply to R.P.H.D Here - http://pandahut.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=6872
Need help Being police? Look here- Link 1: http://pandahut.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=6703
Link 2: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... sp=sharing