- February 26th, 2023, 10:05 pm
IGN: PhantomPear
64ID: 76561198258599511
Discord name and id: jcaro612#0784
Steam Profile Link:
Police rank: Captain
why do you wish to join WST?: Looking for a police group as it doesnt seem there are many left nowadays, been captain since 2019 and former undersheriff of the PSD i bring plenty of experience to the table and need some guys to back me up.
Do you agree to not switch to criminal roles or assist criminals?: Absolutely
Any other info?: None.
MVP+ Chrome
Ex-RP Moderator x4
Ex-PVP Moderator
x7 Washington Mayor
x2 PEI Mayor
Police Captain
RCMP Captain
"One Beer, Two Beers, Three Beers, a shot of Whiskey, a Margarita and a Bloody Mary" - Austin 3:16
Funny Quotes:
"You didn't do W2 so Fuck Off!" -Burnt
"Yiwaktew" - Outspace
"The solution to hacking is giving everyone hacks, ezpz" - Miku